
Install Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu 9.10 ( Karmic) 64 bit

I will provide an easy way to install adobe flash player in ubuntu 9:10 64bit:
The following is the order:
1. download Adobe flash player here
2. Right-click select Extract here, then cut / copy
3. Enter home folders, select view> show hidden files
4. Enter the folder. / Mozilla> create a new folder named "plugins" (without the quotes)
5. Paste (plugins adobe flash player) files that have been in the cut / copied into the folder
6. finished, restart firefox, test with open


Accelerating the Thumbnail preview windows 7

Your windows 7 look more beautiful if you maximize aero glass effects, by accelerating the thumbnail preview. Thumbnail previews are small windows that appear when you point a tab on Superbar. There is something beautiful fade when shifting from one tab to another tab.

Some people may be happy with the delay effect which is owned Superbar when switching tabs. But some people feel less comfortable on these effects. The reason, the effect seemed slow.

Well, if you want to speed up the thumbnail preview in Windows 7 refer to the 4 short steps :

1. Click and type regedit in the search bar

2. Log into the left column on the registry editor and select HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control
Panel \ Mouse

3. Search MouseHoverTime and do double-click or right click to change its value between 400 to
100. the smaller the value the faster its preview.

4. Click ok and close regedit display.

Now with the shift in Superbar Tab, you'll get a quick displacement effect. Enjoy it...

source : detikinet